Commands by homoludens (7)

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Automator Bash script to create Clean zips in MacOS Finder without __MACOSX metadata
Finder compresses to ZIP but always includes extraneous metadata files (__MACOSX and .DS_Store) files and folders that may confuse other programs. One alternative is creating them and then editing the ZIP. This can work standalone or in an automator script accepting multiple selections (files or folders) and creating one zip per argument/selected file without that metada.

Get ssh server fingerprints
Get your server's fingerprints to give to users to verify when they ssh in. Publickey locations may vary by distro. Fingerprints should be provided out-of-band.

Create a html of information about you harddisk

Get all documents (doc,docx,xls,xlsx,pdf,ppt,pptx,...) linked in a webpage

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Rip DVD to YouTube ready MPEG-4 AVI file using mencoder
Rip DVD to YouTube ready AVI file, using MPEG-4 video codec and MP3 audio codec. Resizes to 320x240 and deinterlaces as needed.

clear all non-ascii chars of file.txt

Selecting a random file/folder of a folder
Also looks in subfolders

Show crontabs for all users
added echo "### Crontabs for $user ####"; to make clear whose crontab is listed.

find the rpm package name that provides a specific file
For Linux distributions using rpm (eg Mandriva), this command will find the rpm package name that provides a file.

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