Commands by hqnetwork1 (0)

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Using commandoutput as a file descriptor
Description is moved to "Sample output" because the html sanitizer for commandlinefu breaks the examples..

Sort file greater than a specified size in human readeable format including their path and typed by color, running from current directory
1. find file greater than 10 MB 2. direct it to xargs 3. xargs pass them as argument to ls

Save a file you edited in vim without the needed permissions (no echo)
Write a file you edited in Vim but that you do not have the permissions to write to (unless you use sudo.) Same as #1204 but without the echo to stdout that I find annoying.

kill some process (same as others) but parsing to a variable
Kills a process matching program. I suggest using $ pgrep -fl program to avoid over-killings Nice the following: kills all bash process owned by guest $ pkill -9 -f bash -u guest

rsync with progress bar.
transfer files from localhost to a remotehost.

Bind a key with a command
the -x option is for binding to a shell command

Check the package is installed or not. There will show the package name which is installed.
The ^python$ is a package name patten. You can change whatever you want.

Pronounce an English word using
The original was a little bit too complicated for me. This one does not use any variables.

Create a random password encrypted with md5 with custom lenght
This was useful to generate random passwords to some webpage users, using the sample code, inside a bash script

delete duplicate lines from a file and keep the order of the other lines
i wanted to delete all duplicate lines from .bash_history and keep the order of the other lines. the command cat's the file and adds line numbers, then sorts by the second column. afterwards uniq omits repeated lines, but skips the first field (the line number). then it sorts by the line numbers and at the end cuts the numbers off.

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