Commands by inorganikmadde (0)

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Check These Out

Search for a string inside all files in the current directory

Compare two files side-by-side
I found out about this from Unix Power Tools, and thought it was pretty useful. Use the -w option to change the width of the output, and the -s option to suppress lines that are the same in both files.

Convert YAML to JSON
* Output is jq compatible * Output is single lines - unix compatible * Multiple files supported

Clear ARP table in linux.
Clears the "arp" table, without entering manually addresses (tested in Ubuntu).

All IP connected to my host
find all computer connected to my host through TCP connection.

Remove duplicate rows of an un-sorted file based on a single column
$F[0] filters using first word. $F[1] - 2nd, and so on.

Generate a random password
Another password maker, for human-unfriendly passwords. '-base64' output will make sure it it can be typed on a keyboard, though the output string length will always be a multiple of 4.

Play online music videos in terminal
pvl 'link1' 'link2' 'link3' Play Youtube, Vimeo, etc links without visual elements. Great for music videos when you just want the audio. You can control mplayer with this! Hit Ctrl-C twice to exit (if you're playing multiple files)

Advanced python tracing
Trace python statement execution and syscalls invoked during that simultaneously

Find directories under home directory with 777 permissions, change to 755, and list them on console

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