Doesn't display the matching line. If you want that behaviour, you need to add "print && " before the 'exit'.
"Copying" things to the X clipboard doesn't normally create a copy. Rather the data to be 'copied' is referenced. This means that if the application that you 'copied' stuff from is closed, that data is lost. If the application that you 'copied' from is suspended with CTRL-Z, there could be some issues if you try to paste it into something. This command will create a copy of referenced data and have xclip be the provider of it, so you can then go ahead and close the app that contains the original information. Caveat: I'm not sure if this is binary-safe (though i would expect it to be), and don't know what would happen if you used it to clip a 20 meg gimp image. This technique becomes more convenient if you set it up as an action in a clipboard manager (eg klipper, parcellite). Some of these applets can take automatic action based on a variety of parameters, so you could probably just get it to always own the clipped data whenever data is clipped.
Manpages, command summaries, and pretty much everything else usually have the information you're most likely to want at the beginning. Seeing just the last 40 or so lines of options from a command that has 100 is not super useful, and having to scroll up each time you want to glance at something is spastic.
Run this and then do something like
p do vi --help
and you'll get the first screen(-mostly-)full of vi's usage info and options list
Then use
p d
to page down, and
p u
to page up.
To see the current page again:
p r
Also useful for situations like
p do aptitude search ~dsmorgasbord
p next
#p sudo aptitude -r install libwickedawesome-perl-snoochieboochies
p next
p sudo aptitude -r install libwickedawesome-perl-snoochieboochies snazztasticorama-dev-v0.∞
where you're using readline up-arrow, HOME, END, etc., to quickly recall commented commands.
For the unaware, that option to aptitude search will bring up all of the packages whose descriptions contain the string "smorgasbord". Depending on your distro, there could potentially be hundreds of them.
Assuming that $script contains the filename of a script you'd like to post as part of a comment on this site, this will prefix each line with '$' and pipe it into the X selection. From there just put the cursor in the right place in the comments box and middle-click. Should work pretty much anywhere with xclip installed. On debian-ish systems this is installed as part of the package "xclip". is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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