Commands by j_melis (11)

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Extract audio track from a video file using mencoder
Extracts an MP3 encoded audio stream from an input video file.

Get IPv4 of eth0 for use with scripts
Simple and easy. No regex, no search and replace. Just clean, built-in tools.

Get IPv4 of eth0 for use with scripts
Simple and easy. No regex, no search and replace. Just clean, built-in tools.

find files beginning with filename* that do not include "string"
Inverse grep, to find files without the string

mix video and audio
-map 0.0:0 map the video of video.mp4 to the video of mix.mp4 -map 1.0:1 map the audio of audio.mp3 to the audio of mix.mp4 make sure that video.mp4 and audio.mp3 have the same duration

Shows size of dirs and files, hidden or not, sorted.
Very useful when you need disk space. It calculates the disk usage of all files and dirs (descending them) located at the current directory (including hidden ones). Then sort puts them in order.

Display a block of text: multi-line grep with perl
-n reads input, line by line, in a loop sending to $_ Equivalent to while () { mycode } -e execute the following quoted string (i.e. do the following on the same line as the perl command) the elipses .. operator behaves like a range, remembering the state from line to line.

Gets the english pronunciation of a phrase
Usage examples: say hello say "hello world" say hello+world

Process command output line by line in a while loop
This snippet allows to process the output of any bash command line by line.

archlinux:Delete packages from pacman cache that are older than 7 days
for debian/ubuntu

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