Finds javascript lodash/underscore methods in source code. It's not perfect as can be ascertained from the last entry in the output. Would be interested if somebody improves this. Show Sample Output
Pressing Ctrl combined with 'a' will move the cursor to the beginning of the command under bash (other shells?). I used to do this after arrowing up for the last command, then typing 'sudo ' to run the last command as root, but of course the all time greatest command here `sudo !!` is more succinct. Still Ctrl+A can be very useful when you want to edit something at/close to the beginning of the command line.
**NOTE** Tekhne's alternative is much more succinct and its output conforms to the files actual contents rather than with white space removed My command on the other hand uses bash process substitution (and "Minimal" Perl), instead of files, to first remove leading and trailing white space from lines, before diff'ing the streams. Very useful when differences in indentation, such as in programming source code files, may be irrelevant Show Sample Output
just change the date following the -r flag, and/or the user name in the user== conditional statement, and substitute yms_web with the name of your module is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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