I came up with this because I don't have a problem remembering the big major changes I made deep inside my tree for a specific feature or bugfix but always manage to forget the trivial stuff I tweaked or touched along the way that needs to get pushed as well. Show Sample Output
Okay, commands like this are a bit of a personal peeve. awk(1) operates on a /pattern/ {action} paradigm and yet I see people leave out the /pattern/ portion of an awk command all the time, opting to use grep or sed instead. You'll save yourself some typing and time if you include the /pattern/ with your {action}.
Use this the next time you need to come up with a reasonably random bitstring, like for a WPA/WPA2 PSK or something. Takes a continuous stream of bytes coming from /dev/urandom, runs it through od(1), picking a random field ($0 and $1 excluded) from a random line and then prints it. Show Sample Output
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