Commands by johnlane (1)

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Check These Out

Get your outgoing IP address

lists files and folders in a folder
lists files and folders in a folder with summary.

find and delete files smaller than specific size

Watch active calls on an Asterisk PBX
Works on asterisk 1.8.

Undo commit in Mercurial

Rename all files which contain the sub-string 'foo', replacing it with 'bar'
That is an alternative to command 8368. Command 8368 is EXTREMELY NOT clever. 1) Will break also for files with spaces AND new lines in them AND for an empty expansion of the glob '*' 2) For making such a simple task it uses two pipes, thus forking. 3) xargs(1) is dangerous (broken) when processing filenames that are not NUL-terminated. 4) ls shows you a representation of files. They are NOT file names (for simple names, they mostly happen to be equivalent). Do NOT try to parse it. Why? see this : Recursive version: $ find . -depth -name "*foo*" -exec bash -c 'for f; do base=${f##*/}; mv -- "$f" "${f%/*}/${base//foo/bar}"; done' _ {} +

Periodic Log Deletion
deletes logs not modified in over [#] days - modify to compress or move, as needed

Mount directories in different locations
Like symlinked directories, you can mount a directory at a different location. For example mounting a directory from one location in to the http root without having to make your program follow symlinks or change permissions when reading.

Capture video of a linux desktop
Proper screencast with audio using ffmpeg and x264, as per

Rename files in batch

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