Choose random file from current folder. Avoids using ls.
If you can install rpl it's simpler to use and faster than combinations of find, grep and sed. See man rpl for various options. time on above operation: real 0m0.862s, user 0m0.548s, sys 0m0.180s using find + sed: real 0m3.546s, user 0m1.752s, sys 0m1.580s Show Sample Output
If your script needs to be run in a terminal, this line at the top will stop it running if you absent-mindedly double-click the icon, perhaps intending to edit it. (Of course this won't help with scripts that run in the background.)
Usage example:
newest Desktop/*
Replace "-nt" with "-ot" for oldest.
shopt -s dotglob
first to include dotfiles.
The empty file /forcefsck causes the file system check fsck to be run next time you boot up, after which it will be removed.
This works too:
sudo >/forcefsck is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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