Commands by kaedenn (5)

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Combine multiple images into a video using ffmpeg
The -start_number can be ignored if sequence starts with 0, otherwise use first number in sequence

FInd the 10 biggest files taking up disk space

Get sunrise and sunset times
This will get the sunrise and sunset times of a specific location. To be able to determine $l you need to first go to and look up your location. The last numbers in the URL will be the $l Instead of forecastrss?w=$l you can also use forecastrss?p=$l and use the RSS link of the city you found. Also see for more information

Convert current symbolic directory into physical directory

Generate random valid mac addresses
Ruby version. Also, a perl version: $perl -e 'printf("%.2x.",rand(255))for(1..5);printf("%.2x\n",rand(255))'

Show apps that use internet connection at the moment. (Multi-Language)

enable all bash completions in gentoo
enable each bash completion that you have installed at your system, that's very nice ;)

Detect illegal access to kernel space, potentially useful for Meltdown detection
Based on capsule8 agent examples, not rigorously tested

Search back through previous commands
Searches backwards through your command-history for the typed text. Repeatedly hitting Ctrl-R will search progressively further. Return invokes the command.

burn initial session on a growable DVD using growisofs
replace "directory name to burn on DVD" with actual directory name that you want to copy on DVD

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