Commands by kevinquinnyo (3)

  • i'm using gawk, you may get varying mileage with other varieties. You might want to change the / after du to say, /home/ or /var or something, otherwise this command might take quite some time to complete. Sorry it's so obsfucated, I had to turn a script into a one-liner under 255 characters for commandlinefu. Note: the bar ratio is relative, so the highest ratio of the total disk, "anchors" the rest of the graph. EDIT: the math was slightly wrong, fixed it. Also, made it compliant with older versions of df. Show Sample Output

    t=$(df|awk 'NR!=1{sum+=$2}END{print sum}');sudo du / --max-depth=1|sed '$d'|sort -rn -k1 | awk -v t=$t 'OFMT="%d" {M=64; for (a=0;a<$1;a++){if (a>c){c=a}}br=a/c;b=M*br;for(x=0;x<b;x++){printf "\033[1;31m" "|" "\033[0m"}print " "$2" "(a/t*100)"% total"}'
    kevinquinnyo · 2011-12-01 01:21:11 16
  • creates associative array from apache logs, assumes "combined" log format or similar. replace awk column to suit needs. bandwidth per ip is also useful. have fun. I haven't found a more efficient way to do this as yet. sorry, FIXED TYPO: log file should obviously go after awk, which then pipes into sort.

    awk '{array[$1]++}END{ for (ip in array) print array[ip] " " ip}' <path/to/apache/*.log> | sort -n
    kevinquinnyo · 2011-11-22 03:38:21 6
  • This is good for cleaning up log files without having to erase the entire contents of the file, and allows you to keep the most recent entries to the log only

    sed -i 's/`head -n 500 foo.log`//' foo.log
    kevinquinnyo · 2011-05-23 09:41:35 8

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Display Spinner while waiting for some process to finish
alternatively, run the spinner for 5 seconds: timeout 5 bash -c 'spinner=( Ooooo oOooo ooOoo oooOo ooooO oooOo ooOoo oOooo); while true; do for i in ${spinner[@]}; do for j in seq 0 ${#i}; do echo -en "\b\b"; done; echo -ne "${i}"; sleep 0.2; done; done'

Get all IPs via ifconfig
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yes 6 (tail from 6th line)

wget with resume
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FizzBuzz in one line of Bash
The (in)famous "FizzBuzz" programming challenge, answered in a single line of Bash code. The "|column" part at the end merely formats the output a bit, so if "column" is not installed on your machine you can simply omit that part. Without "|column", the solution only uses 75 characters. The version below is expanded to multiple lines, with comments added. for i in {1..100} # Use i to loop from "1" to "100", inclusive. do ((i % 3)) && # If i is not divisible by 3... x= || # ...blank out x (yes, "x= " does that). Otherwise,... x=Fizz # ...set x to the string "Fizz". ((i % 5)) || # If i is not divisible by 5, skip (there's no "&&")... x+=Buzz # ...Otherwise, append (not set) the string "Buzz" to x. echo ${x:-$i} # Print x unless it is blanked out. Otherwise, print i. done | column # Wrap output into columns (not part of the test).

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