Commands by lajarre (1)

What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Monitor RAID IO Usage
Shows the IO of the raid sync

Rename all files in a directory to the md5 hash

Suspend to ram

find . -name

get all Amazon cloud (amazonws etc) ipv6 subnets

Show what PID is listening on port 80 on Linux

Counts number of lines (in source code excluding comments)
I took java to make the find command simpler and to state that it works for any language supported by cpp. cpp is the C/C++ preprocessor (interprets macros, removes comments, inserts includes, resolves trigraphs). The -fpreprocessor option tells cpp to assume the input has already been preprocessed so it will only replace comment lines with blank lines. The -L 1 option tells xargs to launch one process for each line, indeed cpp can only process one file at the time...

shut of the screen ( Fool proof )
Use the command to create a script and bind it to a key using keyboard shortcut. eg: Script locks the screen in a loop until the command is executed again.At first it

Recursive chmod all files and directories within the current directory

Execute a command with the last parameter of a previous command
Suppose that you had change in a directory like /home/user/mycode/code, and now you need to list it, instead of type entire path again, use ls !$ to recall path and list. Useful with many commands, this is only an example. (In this case, same result can be achivied with ls .)

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