Commands by leena (0)

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Check These Out

Tail a log file with long lines truncated
This truncates any lines longer than 80 characters. Also useful for looking at different parts of the line, e.g. cut -b 50-100 shows columns 50 through 100.

Get lines count of a list of files
This command gives you the number of lines of every file in the folder and its subfolders matching the search options specified in the find command. It also gives the total amount of lines of these files. The combination of print0 and files0-from options makes the whole command simple and efficient.

Get gzip compressed web page using wget.
Like the original command, but the -f allows this one to succeed even if the website returns uncompressed data. From gzip(1) on the -f flag: If the input data is not in a format recognized by gzip, and if the --stdout is also given, copy the input data without change to the standard output: let zcat behave as cat.

List alive hosts in specific subnet
Works on any machine with nmap installed. Previous version does not work on machines without "seq". Also works on subnets of any size.

back ssh from firewalled hosts
host B (you) redirects a modem port (62220) to his local ssh. host A is a remote machine (the ones that issues the ssh cmd). once connected port 5497 is in listening mode on host B. host B just do a ssh -p 5497 -l user and reaches the remote host'ssh. This can be used also for vnc and so on.

Using ASCII Art output on MPlayer
Not so useful. Just a cool feature.

Get Futurama quotations from servers

quickly change all .html extensions on files in folder to .htm

Get your commandlinefu points (upvotes - downvotes)
This will calculate the your commandlinefu votes (upvotes - downvotes). Hopefully this will boost my commandlinefu points.

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

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