Commands by leorasy89 (0)

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Check These Out

An alarm clock using xmms2 and at
Nice little alarm clock to wake you up on time (hopefully). You can also do 'echo "vlc path/to/song" | at 6:00

kill all process that belongs to you

Instant mirror from your laptop + webcam

Customer Friendly free
makes more sense to customers XD

Short Information about loaded kernel modules
I modify 4077 and marssi commandline to simplify it and skip an error when parsing the first line of lsmod (4077). Also, it's more concise and small now. I skip using xargs ( not required here ). This is only for GNU sed. For thoses without GNU sed, use that : $ modinfo $(lsmod | awk 'NR>1 {print $1}') | sed -e '/^dep/s/$/\n/g' -e '/^file/b' -e '/^desc/b' -e '/^dep/b' -e d

rename files according to file with colums of corresponding names
Maybe simpler, but again, don't know how it will work with space in filename.

Easy way to scroll up und down to change to one of n last visited directories.
This alias is meant to append n (here is n=10) most recently used cd commands to the bottom of history file. This way you can easily change to one of previous visited directories simply by hitting 1-10 times arrow up key. Hint: You can make more aliases implying the same rule for any set of frequently used long and complex commands like: mkisof, rdesktop, gpg...

rsync should continue even if connection lost
Manage partial uploads using append option.

Rescan partitions on a SCSI device
Used this after cloning a disk with dd to make the newly written partitions show up in /dev/

Load another file in vim
You can then switch from a file to another with ^W^W

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