Commands by lolssl (18)

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Broadcast your shell thru ports 5000, 5001, 5002 ...
run 'nc yourip 5000', 'nc yourip 5001' or 'nc yourip 5002' elsewhere will produce an exact same mirror of your shell. This is handy when you want to show someone else some amazing stuff in your shell without giving them control over it.

Oneliner to run commands on multiple servers
Oneliner to run commands on multiple servers over ssh. - First parameter "$1" is the command you want to execute remotely. ( It can be multiple commands e.g. "hostname;uptime") - Second parameter "${@:2}" represents the remote host/s you want to run the command/s on.

Delete all files by extension
This is a correction to Use `-name` instead of `-iname`, because case-sensitivity is probably important when we're dealing with filenames. It's true that extensions are often capitalised (e.g., "something.JPG"), so choose whatever's appropriate. However, what is appropriate is the quoting of the name pattern, so the shell doesn't expand it incorrectly. Finally, `-delete` is clearer.

List your sudo rights
List the commands you have the right to use with sudo.

What is my ip?

Get CPU thermal data on MacOS

Postpone a command [zsh]
When writing on the command line of zsh, by pressing Alt+q the command will be cleaned, and you can insert another one. The command you were writing will be recorder, and pasted on the prompt immediately after the "interrupting" command is inserted.

Use Linux coding style in C program
put "-linux" option into $HOME/ to make it default

Gets the english pronunciation of a phrase
Sends a string to google tranlator, which converts it to English speech. It's possible to create a nice script to do the job for us, such as #!/bin'bash curl -A "Mozilla" "$1" > /tmp/speak.mp3 mplayer /tmp/speak.mp3

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