Simple Compressed Backup of the /etc Linux compatible
This command is AIX compatible. It will prompt the user for a new password at next logon
This command is Linux compatible. It will prompt the user for a new password at next logon
With this sentence we can estimate the storage size of all files not named *.jpg on the current directory. The syntax is based on Linux, for Unix compliance use: find ./* -prune ! -name '*.jpg' -ls |awk '{TOTAL+=$7} END {print int(TOTAL/(1024^2))"MB"}' We can change the jpg extension for whatever extension what we need Show Sample Output
If you're very busy and don't want to wait for a ping response, use it. This command will be waiting for a successful ping response, to play a sound file to warn you that the target host is available.
Here how to recover the remote backup over ssh Show Sample Output
Execute it from the source host, where the source files you wish backup resides. With the minus '-' the tar command deliver the compressed output to the standar output and, trough over the ssh session to the remote host. On the other hand the backup host will be receive the stream and read it from the standar input sending it to the /path/to/backup/backupfile.tar.bz2 Show Sample Output
With this cron, rsync begins to sinchronize the contents of the local directory on /[VIPdirectory] with the directory /backup/[VIPdirectory] on the remote server X.X.X.X. Previously we need working on public/private-keys ssh to guarantee the acces to the remote server on X.X.X.X Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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