Check These Out
Lists out all classes used in all *.html files in the currect directory. usefull for checking if you have left out any style definitions, or accidentally given a different name than you intended. ( I have an ugly habit of accidentally substituting camelCase instead of using under_scores: i would name soemthing counterBox instead of counter_box)
WARNING: assumes you give classnames in between double quotes, and that you apply only one class per element.
Yet another way to add a line at the top a of text file with the help of the tac command (reverse cat).
Reload all defined kernel variables from /etc/sysctl.conf(if no parameter after -p is given) without the old myth "Ah, you'll need to reboot to apply those variables"...
user@ubuntu:~/workspace/SVN/haystak-repos/trunk/internal/src$ addpi
Now that directory is in the list of fast access directories.
You can switch to it anytime like this:
user@ubuntu:~$ pi internal`
user@ubuntu:~/workspace/SVN/haystak-repos/trunk/internal/src$ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please note the backquote ( the symbol that shares its key with ~ in the keyboard )
pi will switch you to that directory.
To see the list of all fast access directories you have to say "cat ~/.pi"
When you fill a formular with Firefox, you see things you entered in previous formulars with same field names. This command list everything Firefox has registered. Using a "delete from", you can remove anoying Google queries, for example ;-)
Return the current shell. It is better than print $SHELL which can sometimes return a false value.
Will use variable value (for variable $my_dir, in this case), an assign a default value if there is none.
the `jq` tool can also be used do validate json files and pretty print output
`cat file.json | jq`
available on several platforms, including newer debian-based systems via `#sudo apt install jq`, mac via `brew install jq`, and from source
Usage: lower [STRING]...