Commands by magicmushrooms (0)

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convert wav into mp3 using lame

premiumize - create a ddl & save the URL in variable MYLINK

Close shell keeping all subprocess running

Bare Metal IRC Client
Uses the extremely cool utilities netcat and expect. "expect" logs in & monitors for server PING checks. When a PING is received it sends the PONG needed to stay connected. IRC commands to try: HELP, TIME, MOTD, JOIN and PRIVMSG The "/" in front of IRC commands are not needed, e.g. type JOIN #mygroup Learn about expect: The sample output shows snippets from an actual IRC session. Please click UP button if you like it!

Save a file you edited in vim without the needed permissions (no echo)
Write a file you edited in Vim but that you do not have the permissions to write to (unless you use sudo.) Same as #1204 but without the echo to stdout that I find annoying.

rsync with progress bar.
transfer files from localhost to a remotehost.

Retrieve the size of a file on a server
Downloads the entire file, but http servers don't always provide the optional 'Content-Length:' header, and ftp/gopher/dict/etc servers don't provide a filesize header at all.

peak amount of memory occupied by any process with "FOO" in its name
Show the maximum amount of memory that was needed by a process at any time. My use case: Having a long-running computation job on $BIG_COMPUTER and judging whether it will also run on $SMALL_COMPUTER. VmHWM: Peak resident set size ("high water mark")

Create a self-extracting archive for win32 using 7-zip
using `cat` under *NIX - just because you help manage M$ Windoze *doesn't* mean you should have to resort to using it! You can also make custom win32 installers with the 7zip "extras" package: $ cat /path/to/7zSD.sfx /path/to/config.txt /path/to/archive > setup.exe

Signals list by NUMBER and NAME

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