Commands by mahmishal (0)

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Print lines in a text file with numbers in first column higher or equal than a value
A text file contains thousands of numbers. This command prints lines were the number is greater or equal than a specified value (134000000).

Open-iscsi target discovery

add files to existing growable DVD using growisofs
replace "directory name with files to add to DVD" with actual directory containing files you want to add to growable DVD

Recurse through directories easily
This is a simple case of recursing through all directories, adding the '.bak' extension to every file. Of course, the 'cp $file $file.bak' could be any code you need to apply to your recursion, including tests, other functions, creating variables, doing math, etc. Simple and clean recursion.

Create passwords and store safely with gpg
Adjust the $ head -c part for password length. I use filenames like "" and a vim which automatically decrypts files with .gpg suffixes.

type partial command, kill this command, check something you forgot, yank the command, resume typing.
Example : $ vim /etc/fstab ## damn $ $ sudo ## like a boss. Example 2 : $ sudo vim /root/bin/ ##uh... autocomplete doesn't work... $ $ sudo ls /root/bin ##ah! that's the name of the file! $ sudo vim /root/bin/ ##resume here! Thanks readline!

Cut the first 'N' characters of a line
You can also cut charactes starting from X to N.

diff will usually only take one file from STDIN. This is a method to take the result of two streams and compare with diff. The example I use to compare two iTunes libraries but it is generally applicable.
diff is designed to compare two files. You can also compare directories. In this form, bash uses 'process substitution' in place of a file as an input to diff. Each input to diff can be filtered as you choose. I use find and egrep to select the files to compare.

tree by modify time with newest file at bottom
Go look at sample output first This is kind of like the ls command but displays by modify time with size, date and color. The newest files at the bottom of the screen (reverse using tac)

Use bash history with process substitution
Bash has a great history system of its commands accessed by the ! built-in history expansion operator (documented elsewhere on this site or on the web). You can combine the ! operator inside the process redirection

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