Check These Out
Backups all MySQL databases to individual files. Can be put into a script that grabs current date so you have per day backups.
This takes the stream created by apache requests containing jsp and funnels them to another server. I'm using this for simulating real time traffic. The nice command gives ssh maximum CPU cycles, awk & grep strip out everything served by apache. Putting parallel on curl is important because curl is synchronous and waits for the response. Yes, I thought about using wget but it didn't seem any easier. Also, if you figure out how to run this in the background let me know. Every time I background it it stops. If you have multiple front end servers just run multiple instances of this.
This assumes you are in the cwd of where you put your s3 scripts. Its useful if someone decides to create aws cloudformation scripts and doesn't add the 'yaml' or .yml extension.
This shell function takes a single argument, which is used as the base name of the .wav, .timing and .session files created. To create a screencast:
$ screencast test
type and talk ...
then type 'exit' or to exit the screencast.
test.wav will contain the audio from your screencast.
test.session will contain text and control characters needed to paint the screen
test.timing will contain timing information needed to synch individual keystrokes in test.session with the audio.
to play back:
$ aplay test.wav & scriptreplay test.{timing,session}
NOTE: because the shell function uses the variable "$!", and bash likes to expand '!' during history expansion, you will need to turn off bash's history before you enter the shell function.
This can be achieved using the command
$set +H
Batch rename extension of all files in a folder, in the example from .txt to .md
This creates a persistent ssh -i /path/to/key -ND local-IP:PORT User@Server connection. You may have to install autossh. -f puts in daemon mode. if you are having trouble, try it without -f.
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.
This is a very simple way to input a large number of seconds and get a more useful value in minutes and seconds.