Commands by mattoufoutu (1)

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Check These Out

Exclude svn directories with grep
exclude-dir option requires grep 2.5.3

Find the package that installed a command
Put this one-line function somewhere in your shell init, re-login and try $ whatinstalled This is an elaborate wrapper around "dpkg -S", with numerous safeguards. Symlinks and command aliases are resolved. If the searched command is not an existing executable file or was installed by some other means than dpkg/apt, nothing is printed to stdout, otherwise the package name.

wc in perl

Make backups recurse through directories

Detect encoding of a text file
This command gives you the charset of a text file, which would be handy if you have no idea of the encoding.

Get your public ip using dyndns

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

makes screen your default shell without breaking SCP or SFTP
I changed my shell to screen by editing .bashrc, this stopped scp from connecting. Adding two tests before screen fixed them problem.

Show all the available information about your current distribution, package management and base
Just run this command and it will printout all the info available about your current distribution and package management system.

Find the location of the currently loaded php.ini file

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