Check These Out
Cool but useless.
Tested in Debian, ymmv.
- c 1 : send only one ping;;
-W 1: wait for one second and then exit ping, assuming target IP is not available; change as needed (-W 0.5 for half a second, smaller or greater value depending on network speed/latency)
Felt like I need to win the lottery, and wrote this command so I train and develop my guessing abilities.
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"
nmap for windows and other platforms is available on developer's site:
nmap is robust tool with many options and has various output modes - is the best (imho) tool out there..
from nmap 5.21 man page:
-oN/-oX/-oS/-oG : Output scan in normal, XML, s|
With this cron, rsync begins to sinchronize the contents of the local directory on /[VIPdirectory] with the directory /backup/[VIPdirectory] on the remote server X.X.X.X. Previously we need working on public/private-keys ssh to guarantee the acces to the remote server on X.X.X.X
kills all pids matching the search term of "PROCESS". Be careful what you wish for :)
Thanks to knoppix5 for the idea :-)
Print selected lines from a file or the output of a command.
$ every NTH MAX [FILE]
Print every NTH line (from the first MAX lines) of FILE.
If FILE is omitted, stdin is used.
The command simply passes the input to a sed script:
$ sed -n -e "${2}q" -e "0~${1}p" ${3:-/dev/stdin}
print no output
$ sed -n
quit after this many lines (controlled by the second parameter)
$ -e "${2}q"
print every NTH line (controlled by the first parameter)
$ -e "0~${1}p"
take input from $3 (if it exists) otherwise use /dev/stdin
That command bypass the entry limit specifing page results size, when the search arrive to the limit ldapsearch magically reiterate it from the last entry.
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"