Commands by mrlockfs (1)

  • As a user, deletes all your posts from a MyBB board (provided you have the search page listings of all your posts saved into the same directory this command is run from). Full command: for i in *; do cat $i | grep pid | sed -e 's/;/\ /g' -e 's/#/\ /g' -e 's/pid=/\ /g' | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' >> posts.txt; done; for c in `cat posts.txt`; do curl --cookie name= --data-urlencode name=my_post_key=\&delete=1\&submit=Delete+Now\&action=deletepost\&pid=$c --user-agent Firefox\ 3.5 --url http://url/editpost.php?my_post_key=\&delete=1\&submit=Delete+Now\&action=deletepost\&pid=$c; sleep 2s; done; echo

    curl --cookie name=<cookie_value> --data-urlencode name=my_post_key=<post_key>\&delete=1\&submit=Delete+Now\&action=deletepost\&pid=$c --user-agent Firefox\ 3.5 --url http://url/editpost.php?my_post_key=<post_key>\&delete=1\&submit=Delete+Now\&action=dele
    mrlockfs · 2010-07-14 01:50:48 6

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find broken symbolic links
== remove broken links == find -L . -type l -exec rm -rf {} \; == how this work == "symbolic link; this is never true if the -L option or the -follow option is in effect, unless the symbolic link is broken. If you want to search for symbolic links when -L is in effect, use -xtype." -- manpage of find.

Run a command as root, with a delay
$ sleep 1h ; sudo command or $ sudo sleep 1h ; sudo command won't work, because by the time the delay is up, sudo will want your password again.

Rescan partitions on a SCSI device
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Perl Simple Webserver
First we accept a socket and fork the server. Then we overload the new socket as a code ref. This code ref takes one argument, another code ref, which is used as a callback. The callback is called once for every line read on the socket. The line is put into $_ and the socket itself is passed in to the callback. Our callback is scanning the line in $_ for an HTTP GET request. If one is found it parses the file name into $1. Then we use $1 to create an new IO::All file object... with a twist. If the file is executable("-x"), then we create a piped command as our IO::All object. This somewhat approximates CGI support. Whatever the resulting object is, we direct the contents back at our socket which is in $_[0].

Remove all .svn folders
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This allows you to find a string on a set of files recursivly
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Verify if user account exists in Linux / Unix

FizzBuzz One-liner

Watch the size of a directory using figlet
You can substitute /home/$USER with any path you like.

RTFM function
Simple edit to work for OSX. Now just add this to your ~/.profile and `source ~/.profile`

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