Commands by nablas (3)

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Check These Out

List just the executable files (or directories) in current directory
Does an 'ls' on just the files and directories in the current directory with an execute bit turned on. This version will list directories. Just tack on "-type f" to the start of the find to omit listing directories and list only files.

Ease your directory exploration
Usage : tt [OCCURRENCE] tt will display a tree from your actual path tt .svn will display only line containing .svn

Create a listing of all possible permissions and their octal representation.

list files recursively by size

Find the package that installed a command

Find out when your billion-second anniversary is (was). (on OS X)
This is the same command as this one, but for OS X.

Use the arguments used in the last command
Very basic, but who knows.. mkdir !$ should work too, only uses 'the last' argument. !-2 executes cd Desktop/Notes again. More tips in 'man history'

Browse shared folder when you're the only Linux user
Under Ubuntu smbclient is part of the samba package. With the version I use (3.0.28a) cd-ing into folders with spaces in the name is a drag. You have to put the folder name in quotes: smb: \Shared\> cd "Marketing and PR"

Create a local compressed tarball from remote host directory
The command uses ssh(1) to get to a remote host, uses tar(1) to archive a remote directory, prints the result to STDOUT, which is piped to gzip(1) to compress to a local file. In other words, we are archiving and compressing a remote directory to our local box.

list files recursively by size

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