Change the file extension in batch. Useful to create output file names with same input name but distinct extension by including logic inside the loop
ItemsListtoAvoid (A) could be a list of files with a special characteristic to exclude. It can be a result of previous processing list, ex. a list of files containing a special string.
AlItemsList.txt (B) Is a complete list of items including some or all items in A.
Difference is saved in ItemsDifference.txt
Useful to identify the field number in big CSV files with large number of fields. The index is the reference to use in processing with commands like 'cut' or 'awk' involved. Show Sample Output
This command allows to follow up a trace on SDP (CS5.2), at the same time as the trace records are stored in the file with "raw" format.
Trace files in native format are useful to filter the records before to translation from '|' to '\n'.
grep -v OP_GET <raw-records>.trace | tr '|' '\n'
Show Sample Output
dumpfile is a CSV file, which its 1st field is a phone number in format CC+10 digits Empty lines are deleted, before the output in format "prefix,ocurrences" Show Sample Output
The directories are created in the local host with the same structure below of a remote base directory, including the 'basedir' in case that it does not exists. You must replace user and remotehost (or IP address) with your proper values ssh will ask for the password of the user in remotehost, unless you had included properly your hostname in the remote .ssh/known_hosts file. Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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