Commands by nixnax (10)

  • A bitcoin "brainwallet" is a secret passphrase you carry in the "wallet" of your brain. The Bitcoin Brainwallet Private Key Calculator calculates the standard base58 encoded bitcoin private key from your "brainwallet" passphrase. The private key is the most important bitcoin number. All other numbers can be derived from it. This command uses 3 other functions - all 3 are defined on my user page: 1) brainwallet_exponent() - search for Bitcoin Brainwallet Exponent Calculator 2) brainwallet_checksum() - search for Bitcoin Brainwallet Exponent Calculator 3) b58encode() - search for Bitcoin Brainwallet Base58 Encoder Do make sure you use really strong, unpredictable passphrases (30+ characters)! can be used to check the accuracy of this calculator. Show Sample Output

    (read -r passphrase; b58encode 80$( brainwallet_exponent "$passphrase" )$( brainwallet_checksum "$passphrase" ))
    nixnax · 2014-02-18 02:50:09 16
  • A bitcoin "brainwallet" is a secret passphrase you carry in your brain. The Bitcoin Brainwallet Private Key Base58 Encoder is the third of three functions needed to calculate a bitcoin PRIVATE key from your "brainwallet" passphrase. This base58 encoder uses the obase parameter of the amazing bc utility to convert from ASCII-hex to base58. Tech note: bc inserts line continuation backslashes, but the "read s" command automatically strips them out. I hope that one day base58 will, like base64, be added to the amazing openssl utility. Show Sample Output

    function b58encode () { local b58_lookup_table=({1..9} {A..H} {J..N} {P..Z} {a..k} {m..z}); bc<<<"obase=58;ibase=16;${1^^}"|(read -a s; for b58_index in "${s[@]}" ; do printf %s ${b58_lookup_table[ 10#"$b58_index" ]}; done); }
    nixnax · 2014-02-18 02:29:30 14
  • A bitcoin "brainwallet" is a secret passphrase you carry in your brain. The Bitcoin Brainwallet Exponent Calculator is the second of three functions needed to calculate a bitcoin PRIVATE key. Roughly, checksum is the first 8 hex digits of sha256(sha256(0x80+sha256(passphrase))) Note that this is a bash function, which means you have to type its name to invoke it Show Sample Output

    function brainwallet_checksum () { (o='openssl sha256 -binary'; p='printf';($p %b "\x80";$p %s "$1"|$o)|$o|sha256sum|cut -b1-8); }
    nixnax · 2014-02-18 02:07:02 35
  • A bitcoin "brainwallet" is a secret passphrase you carry in your brain. The Bitcoin Brainwallet Exponent Calculator is one of three functions needed to calculate the bitcoin PRIVATE key. Roughly, the formula is exponent = sha256 (passphrase) Note that this is a bash function, which means you have to type its name to invoke it. You can check the accuracy of the results here Show Sample Output

    function brainwallet_exponent () { printf %s "$1"|sha256sum|head -c 64; }
    nixnax · 2014-02-18 01:49:09 32
  • Use the command line to log into Dropbox. You have to replace with your Dropbox email (note the URL-encoding of "@" as %40). Also replace my_passwd with your Dropbox password. (Note: special characters in your password (such as #) must be url-encoded. You will get a cookie (stored in file "cookie") that you can use for subsequent curl operations to dropbox, for example curl -b cookie Debug note: If you want to see what data curl posts, use curl's --trace-ascii flag. Show Sample Output

    link= ; curl -b a -c cookie -d "t=$(curl -c a $link | sed -rn 's/.*TOKEN: "([^"]*).*/\1/p')&" $link
    nixnax · 2013-07-12 07:43:21 15
  • *** CAREFULLY READ THE NOTES **** *** THIS DOES NOT WORK "OUT OF THE BOX" *** You'll need a few minutes of CAREFUL reading before making your own Twitter feed: In 2010 simple command line Twitter feed requests all stopped working because Twitter upgraded to SSL security. Https requests for a filtered Twitter stream feed now require a special header called "oauth_header". The benefit is that your stream feed and login info is securely encrypted. The bad news is that an "oauth_header" takes some work to build. Fortunately, four functions, imaginatively named step1, step2, step3 and step4 can be used to build a customized oauth_header for you in a few minutes. Now, go look at "step1" to start creating your own oauth_header! Show Sample Output

    step1 ; step2 ; step3 ; step4 ; curl -o- --get '' --header "$oauth_header" --data "follow=$id"
    nixnax · 2012-03-18 21:15:04 8
  • This is the FOURTH in a set of five commands. Please see my other commands for the previous three steps. This command builds the authorization header required by Twitter. For this command to work, see my previous 3 commands (step1, step2 and step3) as they are required to build the environment variables used in this command. For more information on the authorization header, go to, click on any of your apps (or create a new one) and then click on the "OAuth Tool" tab.

    step4() { oauth_header="Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\"$k1\", oauth_nonce=\"$once\", oauth_signature=\"$signature\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_timestamp=\"$ts\", oauth_token=\"$k3\", oauth_version=\"1.0\"" ; }
    nixnax · 2012-03-11 23:01:46 5
  • This is the SECOND command in a set for five that are needed for a Twitter stream feed. This command creates variable "b", the so-called "base string" required for oauth in Twitter stream feed requests. (The 256 char limit prevents giving it a better name) We use five environment variables created by a previous step: id, k1, once, ts and k3. The five environment variables are created in a separate command, please see my other commands. For more information on the signature base string, see, click on any app (or create a new one) and then go to the "OAuth Tool" tab.

    step2(){ b="GET&${id}%26oauth_consumer_key%3D${k1}%26oauth_nonce%3D${once}%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D${ts}%26oauth_token%3D${k3}%26oauth_version%3D1.0";}
    nixnax · 2012-03-11 22:16:11 8
  • Twitter stream feeds now require authentication. This command is the FIRST in a set of five commands you'll need to get Twitter authorization for your final Twitter command. *** IMPORTANT *** Before you start, you have to get some authorization info for your "app" from Twitter. Carefully follow the instructions below: Go to and choose "Create a new application". Fill in the form. You can pick any name for your app. After submitting, click on "Create my access token". Keep the resulting page open, as you'll need information from it below. If you closed the page, or want to get back to it in the future, just go to Now customize FIVE THINGS on the command line as follows: 1. Replace the string "Consumer key" by copying & pasting your custom consumer key from the Twitter apps page. 2. Replace the string "Consumer secret" by copying & pasting your consumer secret from the Twitter apps page. 3. Replace the string "Access token" by copying & pasting your access token from the Twitter apps page. 4. Replace string "Access token secret" by copying & pasting your own token secret from the Twitter apps page. 5. Replace the string 19258798 with the Twitter UserID NUMBER (this is **NOT** the normal Twitter NAME of the user you want the tweet feed from. If you don't know the UserID number, head over to and type in the user's regular Twitter name. The site will return their Twitter UserID number to you. 19258798 is the Twitter UserID for commandlinefu, so if you don't change that, you'll receive commandlinefu tweets, uhm... on the commandline :) Congratulations! You're done creating all the keys! Environment variables k1, k2, k3, and k4 now hold the four Twitter keys you will need for your next step. The variables should really have been named better, e.g. "Consumer_key", but in later commands the 256-character limit forced me to use short, unclear names here. Just remember k stands for "key". Again, remember, you can always review your requested Twitter keys at Our command line also creates four additional environment variables that are needed in the oauth process: "once", "ts", "hmac" and "id". "once" is a random number used only once that is part of the oauth procedure. HMAC is the actual key that will be used later for signing the base string. "ts" is a timestamp in the Posix time format. The last variable (id) is the user id number of the Twitter user you want to get feeds from. Note that id is ***NOT*** the twitter name, if you didn't know that, see If you want to learn more about oauth authentication, visit and/or go to, click on any of your apps and then click on "Oauth tool" Now go look at my next command, i.e. step2, to see what happens next to these eight variables.

    step1() { k1="Consumer key" ; k2="Consumer secret" ; k3="Access token" ; k4="Access token secret" ; once=$RANDOM ; ts=$(date +%s) ; hmac="$k2&$k4" ; id="19258798" ; }
    nixnax · 2012-03-11 20:40:56 4
  • This is the THIRD in a set of five commands. See my other commands for the previous two. This step creates the oauth 1.0 token as explained in The token is required for a Twitter filtered stream feed (and almost all Twitter API calls) This token is simply an encrypted version of your base string. The encryption key used is your hmac. The last part of the command scans the Base64 token string for '+', '/', and '=' characters and converts them to percentage-hex escape codes. (URI-escapeing). This is also a good example of where the $() syntax of Bash command substitution fails, while the backtick form ` works - the right parenthesis in the case statement causes a syntax error if you try to use the $() syntax here. See my previous two commands step1 and step2 to see how the base string variable $b and hmac variable $hmac are generated.

    step3() { s=$(echo -n $b | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac $hmac -binary | openssl base64); signature=`for((i=0;i<${#s};i++)); do case ${s:i:1} in +) e %2B;; /) e %2F;; =) e %3D;; *) e ${s:i:1};; esac ; done` ; } ; e() { echo -n $1; }
    nixnax · 2012-03-11 10:44:01 5

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