Commands by nordri (5)

  • With this command you can convert a tab separate file (TSV) into a JSON file with jq. For example, this input.tsv i-0b9adca882e5e6326 i-088dd69e5c3624888 i-0e70eac180537d4aa will produce the showed output. Show Sample Output

    cat input.tsv | jq --raw-input --slurp 'split("\n") | map(split("\t")) | .[0:-1] | map( { "id": .[0], "ip": .[1] } )'
    nordri · 2019-10-01 10:52:35 417
  • Do you ever want to know which day of week was your birhday! Now you can check that with this command, just set your birh date at the beginning (My bday in the example) and the dates will be revealed. ;) Show Sample Output

    DAY=01; MONTH=07; YEAR=1979; CURRENT_YEAR=$(date +%Y); for i in $(seq $YEAR $CURRENT_YEAR); do echo -n "$i -> "; date --date "$i-$MONTH-$DAY" +%A; done
    nordri · 2018-06-08 07:56:59 322
  • Change Seville for your prefered city. Show Sample Output

    nordri · 2016-08-28 09:43:38 33
  • Terminal is part of XFCE Desktop. This will open a tab for every node that we pass in the command line. In a single line we'll connect to nodes of our server farm.

    alias connectAllMachines='Terminal --maximize -e "ssh server1" --tab -e "ssh server2" --tab -e "ssh server3"'
    nordri · 2010-12-27 08:47:08 6
  • With counter format [001, 002, ..., 999] , nice with pictures or wallpapers collections.

    for file in $(seq -f '%03.f' 1 $TOTAL ); do echo "($file/$TOTAL)"; curl -f -O$file.ext; done
    nordri · 2010-01-12 15:23:44 7

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backup delicious bookmarks
Useful script to backup all your delicious bookmarks. With decilicious shutting down soon , it could be useful

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

Suppress output of loud commands you don't want to hear from
This works even if there are spaces in any word in the command line.

Watch the size of a directory using figlet
You can substitute /home/$USER with any path you like.

remove recursively all txt files with number of lines less than 10

Fast portscanner via Parallel

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Redirect STDIN
Several times, I find myself hitting my up arrow, and changing the search term. Unfortunately, I find myself wasting too much time typing: $ grep kernel /var/log/messages Redirecting STDIN allows me to put the search term at the end so I less cursor movement to change what I'm searching for: $ < /var/log/messages grep kernel If you're using the emacs keyboard binding, then after you press your up arrow, press CTRL+w to erase the word. If this has already been submitted, I couldn't find it with the search utility.

Push a directory onto the stack
Use also with: Move to respective parameters == () { = +2; } === () { = +3; } ==== () { = +4; } Pop the last entry off the directory stack - () { popd ${1:+"$1"}; }

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