stop man page content from disappearing on exit echo "export LESS='FiX'" >> ~/.bashrc man bash 'q'uit out of man page content will stay on screen Show Sample Output
STARTED Mon Oct 18 04:02:01 2010 Show Sample Output
useful for loops like for i in $(cat list_of_servers); do ssh -q $i hostname; done if there is an unreachable server, you can just press ctrl + \ to skip that server and continue on with the loop
the $15 may change for you depending on your distro, etc...
see sample output Show Sample Output
creates a new tab for each of N servers in listofservers.txt and ssh's to said servers then, try the "send to all sessions" feature of konsole to do the same work on all servers at the same time. BIG time saver, but be careful!
converts encoding of a file to unix utf-8 useful for data files that contain what would be usable ascii text but are encoded as mpeg or some other encoding that prevents you from doing common manipulations like 'sed' Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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