Commands by pkozelka (2)

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Check These Out

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

List your largest installed packages (on Debian/Ubuntu)
The other commands were good, but they included packages that were installed and then removed. This command only shows packages that are currently installed, sorts smallest to largest, and formats the sizes to be human readable.

A snooze button for xmms2 alarm clock
you can also run "xmms2 pause & at now +5min

add a backup (or any other) suffix to a file
Very helpful when you've got complex filenames and needs to change just some small parts of it. Renaming a file called "i-made-a-small-typo-right-here" to "i-made-a-big-typo-right-here": $ mv -vi i-made-a-{small,big}-typo-right-here You could also copy multiple files, edit, remove, process, etc.

Pretty man pages under X
You're a developer - but it doesn't mean you have to slum it! Why not spice up your man page lookups by using a decent PDF viewer. I use 'xpdf' - maybe you prefer acroread, whatever, it's just as fast as plain dull ASCII on today's machines and you can still search for stuff - that's the main reason I use PDF and not PS.

Gets the english pronunciation of a phrase
Sends a string to google tranlator, which converts it to English speech. It's possible to create a nice script to do the job for us, such as #!/bin'bash curl -A "Mozilla" "$1" > /tmp/speak.mp3 mplayer /tmp/speak.mp3

Calculate sum of N numbers (Thanks to flatcap)
replaces "\n" with "+"

$ echo "" | sed -e's/%\([0-9A-F][0-9A-F]\)/\\\\\x\1/g' | xargs echo -e $ Works under bash on linux. just alter the '-e' option to its corresponding equivalence in your system to execute escape characters correctly.

rename / move Uppercase filenames to lowercase filenames current directory
move filename/rename filenames with Uppercase to lowercase in current directory

Detect illegal access to kernel space, potentially useful for Meltdown detection
Based on capsule8 agent examples, not rigorously tested

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