A more efficient way, with reversed order to put the focus in the big ones. Show Sample Output
Parses /etc/group to "dot" format and pases it to "display" (imagemagick) to show a usefull diagram of users and groups (don't show empty groups).
parse "lsmod" output to "dot" format and pass it to "display". Without perl!
poorman's ifstat using just sh and awk. You must change "eth0" with your interface's name. Show Sample Output
Trickle is a voluntary, cooperative bandwidth shaper. it works entirely in userland and is very easy to use. The most simple application is to limit the bandwidth usage of programs.
A better way to show the file lines 3n + 1
cat? dd? RTFM
?Cat and grep? You can use only grep ("grep \. filename"). Better option is awk.
Show the number of failed tries of login per account. If the user does not exist it is marked with *. Show Sample Output
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