If, for example, you want to remove all kernels and headers but the last three versions, you can't use one of that magic all-in-one "remove old stuff" commands. With this simple but elegant command you can remove a range of versions, or a list of versions with e.g. {14,16,20}. Show Sample Output
This is the fastest way to burn a DVD-Video from the command line.
The first command:
avconv -i input.avi -target pal-dvd dvd.mpg
converts any given video file avconv can handle into MPEG2-PS (6 Mbit/s) with AC3 audio (448 kbit/s). If your distribution is not up to date, just use ffmpeg - the syntax is the same. Hint: If you want to create an NTSC DVD, type ntsc-dvd instead ;-)
The second command:
echo PAL > ~/.config/video_format
sets PAL as your default video format. This is a workaround for an old dvdauthor bug. If you want NTSC, guess what? Type NTSC instead!
The third command:
dvdauthor -o dvd/ -t dvd.mpg
creates .VOB files and adds them to the dvd/ folder. You don't have to create this folder yourself. You can add as many titles as you like, just keep in mind that there's a maximum of 4482 MiB (4.37 GiB) for normal DVDs.
The fourth command:
dvdauthor -o dvd/ -T
finishes the DVD-Video.
Now you can burn your DVD using growisofs:
growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video dvd/
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