ec commits changes to etckeeper must have etckeeper installed with bzr to use this place inside bashrc can be used from any directory to commit changes
list what applications using what ports Show Sample Output
these are some aliases you can use in bashrc to shorten the amount of typing needed to use apt-get, also can be used as reference if you can't remember alot of commands or command parameter variations,etc... Please comment with more apt-get aliases if I missed any, thx Show Sample Output
alias for editing .bashrc and sourcing it with a quick command, very useful for quickly adding and modifying alias' and functions in bashrc, create lots of alias from commandlinefu very quickly, use nano vim or any other edit if you want, very useful if you have a barcode scanner and you want to run commands quickly with barcodes Show Sample Output
unalias a previously aliased command Show Sample Output
function echox { echo `tput cup $(($(tput lines))) $(( ($(tput cols) - $(echo "${#1}"))/2 ))`"$1"`tput cup $(tput lines) $(( $(tput cols)-1 ))`; }
echox prints given argument on bottom line center screen in terminal
function echoxy { echo `tput cup $(($(tput lines)/2)) $(( ($(tput cols) - $(echo "${#1}"))/2))`"$1"`tput cup $(tput lines) $(( $(tput cols)-1 ))`; }
exhoxy prints given argument center screen
function echos { echo `tput cup $(($(tput lines)-2)) $(($(tput cols)-$(echo ${#1})))&&tput sc`"$1"`tput cup $(($(tput lines)-2)) 0 && tput rc`; }
while [ 1 ]; do echos "`date`"; done
echos prints date and time on second from last line (used as status message)
you can easily use these functions by placing them in your .bashrc file, make sure to source your .bashrc once you do
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