Commands by quitaiskiluisf (7)

  • This commando copies the file (which must reside in the current directory) to //<server>/<share-name>/<subdirectory>/<file> through the CIFS protocol (Samba share or Windows Share). It doesn't require you to mount the filesystem first. --directory "<subdirectory>" may be omitted in order to copy the file the the root of the share. The "%password" part may also be omitted. If doing so, smbclient will ask for the password interactively. To copy a file from a Windows/Samba share, change "put" for "get". smbclient --user=user%password --directory "&lt;subdirectory&gt;" --command "get &lt;file&gt;" //&lt;server&gt;/&lt;share-name&gt; Show Sample Output

    smbclient --user=user%password --directory "<subdirectory>" --command "put <file>" //<server>/<share-name>
    quitaiskiluisf · 2018-05-12 19:18:42 252
  • When the wireless card is in AP mode, list the users which are connected to the network. It uses the new nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices. It can be used, for example, in a dd-wrt based router through a telnet session to obtain client information. Show Sample Output

    iw dev ath0 station dump
    quitaiskiluisf · 2017-01-09 00:50:49 16
  • After cloning an empty repository on the client ("git clone" just after "git init", for instance), "git push" fails. In order to be able to push to this repository for the first time, you need to run the above command. It will link your local "master" branch to the "master" branch in the origin server, and push the changes. This is only necessary only for the first push; after that, you can use just the commands "git push" or "git pull" in order to do this operations. Show Sample Output

    git push --set-upstream origin master
    quitaiskiluisf · 2017-01-09 00:32:14 23
  • When the wireless card is in AP mode, list the users which are connected to the network. Show Sample Output

    wlanconfig <wireless_device> list sta
    quitaiskiluisf · 2013-06-08 13:46:51 21
  • This command will disconnect the user whose mac was specified from the current list of clients from the wireless network when the network card is working in access point mode. Works on atheros-based access points which use the madwifi driver (not sure, but don't think it will work on access points which are not atheros-based, as it uses the atheros's iwpriv extensions). It will not prevent the user from reconnecting to the network, but may force the user to roam to another AP, with stronger signal. Show Sample Output

    iwpriv ath<x> kickmac <macaddress>
    quitaiskiluisf · 2013-06-08 13:41:24 8
  • Create an image of "device" and send it to another machine through the network ("target" and "port" sets the ip and port the stream will be sent to), outputting a progress bar On the machine that will receive, compress and store the file, use: nc -l -p <port> | 7z a <filename> -si -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -ms=on Optionally, add the -v4g switch at the end of the line in order to split the file every 4 gigabytes (or set another size: accepted suffixes are k, m and g). The file will be compressed using 7z format, lzma2 algorithm, with maximum compression level and solid file activated. The compression stage will be executed on the machine which will store the image. It was planned this way because the processor on that machine was faster, and being on a gigabit network, transfering the uncompressed image wasn't much of a problem.

    dd if=<device> | pv | nc <target> <port>
    quitaiskiluisf · 2012-01-27 18:37:36 23

  • 0
    mplayer -vc null -vo null -ao pcm <filename>
    quitaiskiluisf · 2011-09-11 04:03:02 4

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List the CPU model name
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Get the serial numbers from HP RAID
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Look for English words in /dev/urandom
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Copy a file using pv and watch its progress
pv allows a user to see the progress of data through a pipeline, by giving information such as time elapsed, percentage completed (with progress bar), current throughput rate, total data transferred, and ETA. (man pv)

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