Commands by ramyasri0083 (0)

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Check These Out

Copy an element from the previous command
You can specify a range via '-'.

Create sqlite db and store image
Creates a simple sqlite db (img.db) inserts /tmp/Q.jpg on base64 an recorvers it as /tmp/W.jpg

Bash alias to output the current Swatch Internet Time
Output the current time in Swatch “Internet Time”, aka .beats. There are 1000 .beats in a day, and @0 is at 00:00 Central European Standard Time. This was briefly a thing in the late 1990s. More details: The alias is rather quote heavy to protect the subshell, so the bare command is: $ echo '@'$(TZ=GMT-1 date +'(%-S + %-M * 60 + %-H * 3600) / 86.4'|bc)

Kill google chrome process

Make vim open in tabs by default (save to .profile)
I always add this to my .profile rc so I can do things like: "vim *.c" and the files are opened in tabs.

show all programs connected or listening on a network port
Use the aliased command 'nsl'

ssh batch jobs: query hundreds of hosts with an ssh command
Need to query hundreds of hosts with an ssh command ? Of course you'll have setup keys on all your remote HOSTs. But in the case a key is not present this command will skip that node, proceeding on to the next. -t: Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine. Also prevents unwanted stty messages being sent to console -q: Quiet mode. -o "BatchMode yes" If set to yes, passphrase/password querying will be disabled. This option is useful in scripts and other batch jobs where no user is present

Find usb device
I often use it to find recently added ou removed device, or using find in /dev, or anything similar. Just run the command, plug the device, and wait to see him and only him

Run a command when a file is changed

fix flash video (flv) file (ffmpeg)
Rebuild flv files that are broken (can't seek). This method probably works for other video/audio formats that can become broken in the same way.

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