Commands by rashikhanna (0)

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print first n characters of any file in human readble form using hexdump
Usefull to determine unknown file type

Displays user-defined ps output and pidstat output about the top CPU or MEMory users.
It grabs the PID's top resource users with $(ps -eo pid,pmem,pcpu| sort -k 3 -r|grep -v PID|head -10) The sort -k is sorting by the third field which would be CPU. Change this to 2 and it will sort accordingly. The rest of the command is just using diff to display the output of 2 commands side-by-side (-y flag) I chose some good ones for ps. pidstat comes with the sysstat package(sar, mpstat, iostat, pidstat) so if you don't have it, you should. I might should take off the timestamp... :|

grep certain file types recursively
-exec works better and faster then using a pipe

u can hear all .ogg files with vlc that thier link are in url

quickly rename a file

Umount only the NFS related to 'string'
Sometimes, you have a lot of NFS in the server and you can't or shouldn't use umount -a. Whis this command, you only umount the fs related to the 'string'

convert pdf into multiple png files
syntax for resolution is: (see "man gs" for further informations) -rnumber -rnumber1xnumber2

print/scan lines starting at record ###
Useful for finding newly added lines to a file, tail + can be used to show only the lines starting at some offset. A syslog scanner would look at the file for the first time, then record the end_of_file record number using wc -l. Later (hours, days), scan only at the lines that were added since the last scan.

Emulate tail using awk.
This awk codes emulates tail. For efficiency it uses a circular array, which stores only N number of records. Using awk gives the flexibility of modifying the output as needed, for example adding the record number (NR) at the output and much more.

Convert a Python interactive session to a python script
Used to copy and paste a terminal buffer of a python interactive session into an editor

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