Commands by rkulla (21)

  • In this example we search for 'vim' but vim doesn't have a project on github right now. That's ok, this command still searches for every project that has 'vim' in their description (forks, plugins, etc). To get XML or JSON output just replace 'yaml' in the url with 'xml' or 'json'. Show Sample Output

    rkulla · 2010-05-30 00:29:03 4
  • In this example 'git' is the user name and the output format is YAML but you can change this to XML or JSON, eg: curl Show Sample Output

    rkulla · 2010-05-30 00:18:00 7
  • Say you have a directory structure like "foo/, foo/data/, bar/, bar/data/". If you just want to ignore 'bar/data' and you use "ack --ignore-dir=data pattern" it will ignore both foo/data and bar/data and 'ignore-data=bar/data' etc won't work.

    ack -a -G '^(?!.*bar/data.*).*$' pattern
    rkulla · 2010-05-10 00:13:11 5
  • As of 10.04 LTS, you need to use this command-line to reports bugs to the tracking system (you need a launchpad acct for this to work). This command is preferred over using the website because it collects/sends info about your system to help developers. ubuntu-bug is a symlink to apport-bug which sees if KDE/Gnome is running and calls apport-gtk/apport-kde dialogs, otherwise apport-cli, so you can fill out a bug report. First run 'ubuntu-bug' without args to see a list of known symptoms. If there's no matching symptom, or you know which package is to blame, then run 'ubuntu-bug <package>'. If the process is still running, use 'ubuntu-bug <PID>'

    rkulla · 2010-05-02 20:24:32 4
  • There's another version on here that uses GET but some people don't have lwp-request, so here's an alternative. It's also a little shorter and should work with most youtube URLs since it truncates at the first &

    url="[Youtube URL]"; echo $(curl ${url%&*} 2>&1 | grep -iA2 '<title>' | grep '-') | sed 's/^- //'
    rkulla · 2010-04-29 02:03:36 5
  • Gives you a nice quick summary of how many lines each of your files is comprised of. (In this example, we just check .c, .h, .php and .pl). Since we just use wc -l to count, you'll just get a very rough estimate of how many lines of actual code there are. Use a more sophisticated algorithm instead if you need to. Show Sample Output

    find . \( -iname '*.[ch]' -o -iname '*.php' -o -iname '*.pl' \) -exec wc -l {} \; | sort
    rkulla · 2010-04-28 07:18:21 5
  • Sometimes a program refuses to read a file and you're not sure why. You may have display_errors turned off for PHP or something. In this example, fopen('/var/www/test/foo.txt') was called but doesn't have read access to foo.txt. Strace can tell you what went wrong. E.g., if php doesn't have read access to the file, strace will say "EACCESS (Permission denied)". Or, if the file path you gave doesn't exist, strace will say "ENOENT (No such file or directory)", etc. This works for any program you can run from the command-line, e.g., strace python -e open,access... Note: the above command uses php-cli, not mod_php, which is a different SAPI with diff configs, etc. Show Sample Output

    strace php tias.php -e open,access 2>&1 | grep foo.txt
    rkulla · 2010-04-20 19:42:42 7
  • Zsync is an implementation of rsync over HTTP that allows updating of files from a remote Web server without requiring a full download. For example, if you already have a Debian alpha, beta or RC copy downloaded, zsync can just download the updated bits of the new release of the file from the server. This requires the distributor of the file to have created a zsync build control file (using zsyncmake).

    zsync -i existing-file-on-disk.iso
    rkulla · 2010-04-20 07:02:37 12
  • Run this command as root to get enough stats. It works on AMD and Intel machines, including desktops. If ran on a laptop it'll give you suggestions on extending your battery life. You'll need to install PowerTOP if you don't have, via 'apt-get install powertop', etc. To grep the output use: sudo powertop -d | grep ... The many command suggestions PowerTOP gives you alone will increase your command-line fu! Show Sample Output

    sudo powertop
    rkulla · 2010-04-19 21:59:29 11
  • Change the APP variable's value to whatever you want to install. Depending on how fast your machine is, you'll want to adjust the value 50 to something else. You might also want to play a different game than Gnometris - just make sure it's a GUI game.

    APP=wine; if [ $(sudo apt-get --print-uris -y install $APP | sed -ne 's/^After this operation, \([0-9]\{1,\}\).*MB.*/\1/p') -gt 50 ]; then gnometris 2>/dev/null & sudo apt-get install $APP; else sudo apt-get install $APP; fi
    rkulla · 2010-04-18 19:32:26 45
  • Catches .swp, .swo, .swn, etc. If you have access to lsof, it'll give you more compressed output and show you the associated terminals (e.g., pts/5, which you could then use 'w' to figure out where it's originating from): lsof | grep '\.sw.$' If you have swp files turned off, you can do something like: ps x | grep '[g,v]im', but it won't tell you about files open in buffers, via :e [file]. Show Sample Output

    vim -r 2>&1 | grep '\.sw.' -A 5 | grep 'still running' -B 5
    rkulla · 2010-04-17 19:43:35 5
  • Press > or < to go to the next or previous track. Space to toggle play/pause, etc. It creates a temp file descriptor. To see where the file descriptor gets created type: echo <(echo foo) This works better than running find first, then piping to mplayer with xargs or something, because that won't let you use keyboard shortcuts.

    mplayer -playlist <(find $PWD -type f)
    rkulla · 2010-04-17 00:20:08 7
  • I created this command to give me a quick overview of how many file types a directory, and all its subdirectories, contains. It works based off file extension, rather than file(1)'s magic output, because it ended up being more accurate and less confusing. Files that don't have an ext (README) are generally not important for me to want to count, but you're free to customize this fit your needs. Show Sample Output

    printf "\n%25s%10sTOTAL\n" 'FILE TYPE' ' '; for ext in $(find . -iname \*.* | egrep -o '\.[^[:space:].]+$' | egrep -v '\.svn*' | sort -f | uniq -i); do count=$(find . -iname \*$ext | wc -l); printf "%25s%10s%d\n" $ext ' ' $count; done
    rkulla · 2010-04-16 21:12:11 4
  • In this example we convert a .tar.bz2 file to a .tar.gz file. If you don't have Pipe Viewer, you'll have to download it via apt-get install pv, etc. Show Sample Output

    pv -cN orig < foo.tar.bz2 | bzcat | pv -cN bzcat | gzip -9 | pv -cN gzip > foo.tar.gz
    rkulla · 2010-04-16 05:21:10 4
  • I use zenity because it's a rewrite of gdialog and also replaces gmessage and has more useful options. Using --text-info allows you to select and copy the text to your clipboard. To see a file in a list dialog: cat /etc/passwd | zenity --width 800 --height 600 --list --column Entries If you don't have zenity, you'll have to download it via apt-get install zenity, etc.

    zenity --title passwd --width 800 --height 600 --text-info --filename /etc/passwd
    rkulla · 2010-04-16 04:20:52 5
  • To do hex to binary: echo 'ibase=16; obase=2; 16*16' | bc # prints: 111100100 To do 16*16 from decimal to hex: echo 'ibase=10; obase=16; 16*16' | bc # prints: 100 You get the idea... Alternatively, run bc in interactive mode (see man page) Show Sample Output

    echo 'obase=16; C+F' | bc
    rkulla · 2010-04-14 20:35:31 8
  • This should automatically mount it to /media/truecrypt1. Further mounts will go to /media/truecrypt2, and so on. You shouldn't need sudo/su if your permissions are right. I alias tru='truecrypt' since tr and true are commands. To explicitly create a mount point do: tru /media/foo To make sure an GUI explorer window (nautilus, et al) opens on the mounted volume, add: --explorer To see what you currently have mounted do: tru -l To dismount a volume do: tru -d To dismount all mounted volumes at once do: tru -d Tested with Truecrypt v6.3a / Ubuntu 9.10

    rkulla · 2010-04-14 18:34:09 4

  • 7
    tree -C | less -R
    rkulla · 2010-04-14 00:19:30 5
  • -o acts like :spit. Use -O (capital o) for side-by-side like :vsplit. Use vim -d or vimdiff if you need a diff(1) comparison. To split gnu Screen instead of vim, use ^A S for horizontal, ^A | for vertical.

    vim -o file1 file2...
    rkulla · 2010-04-13 22:09:47 5
  • By default, screen tries to restore its old window sizes when attaching to resizable terminals. This command is the command-line equivalent to typing ^A F to fit an open screen session to the window.

    screen -raAd
    rkulla · 2010-04-12 22:54:58 7
  • This command searches the current directory, and all of its subdirs, for files that have the string "foo" in their filename (foo.c, two-foo.txt, index-FOO-bar.php, etc), and opens them in Vim. It ignores any hidden .svn directories. Change -iname to -name if you want to do case-sensitive matches. Files open in buffers by default, so to verify that the correct files were opened, type ":list". You can load all the files in tabs by doing ":tab ball" or use 'vim -p' on the command-line to load files straight to tabs. If you get permission denied errors, do: vim $(find . ! -path \*.svn\* -type -f iname \*foo\* 2>/dev/null) To narrow it down to a single file extension, such as .php files, use \*foo\*.php (or '*foo*.php'. Which ever you prefer)

    vim $(find . ! -path \*.svn\* -type f -iname \*foo\*)
    rkulla · 2010-04-11 23:32:41 4

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Check These Out

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Simple Video Surveillance by email
This takes a picture (with the web cam) every 5 minutes, and send the picture to your e-mail. Some systems support mail -a "References: " so that all video surveillance emails are grouped in a single email thread. To keep your inbox clean, it is still possible to filter and move to trash video surveillance emails (and restore these emails only if you really get robbed!) For instance with Gmail, emails sent to can be filtered with "Matches:"

Insert a line for each n lines
specially usefull for sql scripts with insert / update statements, to add a commit command after n statements executed.

Using tput to save, clear and restore the terminal contents
Very useful for interactive scripts where you would like to return the terminal contents to its original state before the script was run. This would be similar to how vi exits and returns you to your original terminal screen. Save and clear the terminal contents with: $tput smcup Execute some commands, then restore the saved terminal contents with: $tput rmcup

SoX recording audio and trimming silence
Records audio from your mic in FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) format, starts only after it detects at least 0.1 seconds of noise and stops after 1 second of silence. You can adjust the percent values (sensitivity) to best fit your microphone and voice (0.1% if you have a great quality mic, higher if you don't, 0% does not trim anything). Useful for speech recognition in conjunction with my previous command titled 'Google voice recognition "API"' (

Get AWS temporary credentials ready to export based on a MFA virtual appliance
You might want to secure your AWS operations requiring to use a MFA token. But then to use API or tools, you need to pass credentials generated with a MFA token. This commands asks you for the MFA code and retrieves these credentials using AWS Cli. To print the exports, you can use: `awk '{ print "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"" $1 "\"\n" "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\"" $2 "\"\n" "export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=\"" $3 "\"" }'` You must adapt the command line to include: * $MFA_IDis ARN of the virtual MFA or serial number of the physical one * TTL for the credentials

Target a specific column for pattern substitution
Awk replaces every instance of foo with bar in the 5th column only.

Updated top ten memory utilizing processes (child/instance aggregation) now with percentages of total RAM
Prints the top 10 memory consuming processes (with children and instances aggregated) sorted by total RSS and calculates the percentage of total RAM each uses. Please note that since RSS can include shared libraries it is possible for the percentages to add up to more that the total amount of RAM, but this still gives you a pretty good idea. Also note that this does not work with the mawk version of awk, but it works fine with GNU Awk which is on most Linux systems. It also does not work on OS X.

Prevent shell autologout
Unset TMOUT or set it to 0 in order to prevent shell autologout. TMOUT is the number of seconds after which the present shell will be killed if it has been idle for that long.

This is N5 sorta like rot13 but with numbers only
This is N5 sorta like rot13 but with numbers only. Encrypt echo "$1" | xxd -p | tr '0-9' '5-90-6' Decrypt echo "$1" | tr '0-9' '5-90-6' | xxd -r -p

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