Instead of tedious manual mv commands and tabbing, this routine creates a file listing all the filenames in the PWD twice, edit the second instance on each line to the new name, then save the file, the routine does the rest. Feel free to replace nano with your holy war editor of choice. You will get a lot of "mv: 'x' and 'x' are the same file" warnings, these could be cleaned up but the routine works.
titlescroll "message" <width>
Requires command "xtitle" or replace with:
echo -ne "\e]0;TEXT_HERE\007"
Alternately for those without getent or only want to work on local users it's even easier:
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd|xargs -n1 passwd -e
Note that not all implementations of passwd support -e. On RH it would be passwd -x0 (?) and on Solaris it would be passwd -f.
If you want prepend/append text just wrap in echo:
echo Connected: `netstat -an|grep -ci "tcp.*established"`
Show Sample Output
No need for -l and the output can be sent directly into another function expecting directory names. Show Sample Output
You've opened a terminal window and you've connected off to a remote host that didn't pick up your terminal size, and all your curses and paging apps are screwed up as a result. You need to quickly determine how many lines are in your current terminal view (to feed into "stty rows X"). Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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