Commands by roryokane (2)

  • This particular combination of flags mimics Try CoffeeScript (on as closely as possible. And the `tail` call removes the comment `// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3`. See `coffee -h` for explanation of `coffee`'s flags. Show Sample Output

    pbpaste | coffee -bcsp | tail -n +2
    roryokane · 2013-09-13 04:50:27 14
  • This command is meant to be used to make a lightweight backup, for when you want to know which files might be missing or changed, but you don't care about their contents (because you have some way to recover them). Explanation of parts: "ls -RFal /" lists all files in and below the root directory, along with their permissions and some other metadata. I think sudo is necessary to allow ls to read the metadata of certain files. "| gzip" compresses the result, from 177 MB to 16 MB in my case. "> all_files_list.txt.gz" saves the result to a file in the current directory called all_files_list.txt.gz. This name can be changed, of course. Show Sample Output

    sudo ls -RFal / | gzip > all_files_list.txt.gz
    roryokane · 2009-12-14 21:40:56 4

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Extract raw URLs from a file
you can also use cut instead of awk. less powerful but probably faster. ;)

Get the 10 biggest files/folders for the current direcotry
This command simply outputs 10 files in human readable, that takes most space on your disk in current directory.

Embed next line on the end of current line using sed
N: On the current line, sed will display it on pattern space, plus a \n (new line); but s/\n//: Will get rid of new line displayed on pattern space, joining the current line's end with the start of the next line Useful in scripts.

wget download with multiple simultaneous connections

check open ports without netstat or lsof

Recursive search and replace (with bash only)
Replaces a string matching a pattern in one or several files found recursively in a particular folder.

SSH connection through host in the middle

list block devices
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Counting the source code's line numbers C/C++ Java
Count your source and header file's line numbers. This ignores blank lines, C++ style comments, single line C style comments. This will not ignore blank lines with tabs or multiline C style comments.

Print the last modified file

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