Commands by sabaprofile (0)

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Update all Docker Images

Git Tree Command with color and tag/branch name

search installed files of package, that doesn't remember his name well. On rpm systems
rpm, sometimes, is not wildcard friendly. To search files installed from package this could be useful. change PACKAGENAME to any package do you want to search

Go to the Nth line of file

Remove all the characters before last space per line including it

extract email adresses from some file (or any other pattern)
Simply more email-adresses matched

Check if a machine is online
PING parameters c 1 limits to 1 pinging attempt q makes the command quiet (or silent mode) /dev/null 2>&1 is to remove the display && echo ONLINE is executed if previous command is successful (return value 0) || echo OFFLINE is executed otherwise (return value of 1 if unreachable or 2 if you're offline yourself). I personally use this command as an alias with a predefined machine name but there are at least 2 improvements that may be done. Asking for the machine name or IP Escaping the output so that it displays ONLINE in green and OFFLINE in red (for instance).

Compare directories via diff

Advanced python tracing
Trace python statement execution and syscalls invoked during that simultaneously

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

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