Commands by safal127380 (0)

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Check These Out

Touch a file using a timestamp embedded in the file name.
tstouch takes two arguments: a filename containing a timestamp, and an extended regular expression with the parenthesized section matching a timestamp of the form YYYYMMDDhhmm or It then touches the file with that timestamp.

Rename files in batch

Print a file to a LPD server
You don't need cups =)

Get a facebook likes quantity from CLI
Replace the with your URL, for example and it will show likes number

Burn CD/DVD from an iso, eject disc when finished.
cdrecord -scanbus will tell you the (x,y,z) value of your cdr (for example, mine is 3,0,0)

Network Folder Copy with Monitoring ( tar + nc + pv )
Transfer tar stream thru nc with pv montoiring taken from:

Show drive names next to their full serial number (and disk info)
Scrap everything and use `gawk` to do all the magic, since it's like the future or something. $ gawk 'match($11, /[a-z]{3}$/) && match($9, /^ata-/) { gsub("../", ""); print $11,"\t",$9 }' Yank out only ata- lines that have a drive letter (ignore lines with partitions). Then strip ../../ and print the output. Yay awk. Be sure to see the alternatives as my initial command is listed there. This one is a revision of the original.

Smart renaming
Use 'mmv' for mass renames. The globbing syntax is intuitive.

Create a backdoor on a machine to allow remote connection to bash
My netcat (nc-1.84-10.fc6) doesn't have the -e option, so I have to do it like this. Of course, instead of bash, you can use any executable, including scripts.

Record and share your terminal
It replays plain text terminal screencast from

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