This command is adapted from
Solutions with
find -L
don't work when the link is a loop, an error message is printed.
Create an AES256 encrypted and compressed tar archive.
User is prompted to enter the password.
Decrypt with:
openssl enc -d -aes256 -in <file> | tar --extract --file - --gzip
Unlike other alternatives, this command only relies on bash builtins and should also work on windows platforms with the bash executable. Sparseness corresponds to the number 128 and can be adjusted. To print all possible digits instead of only 0 and 1 replace RANDOM%2 by RANDOM%10 or RANDOM%16 to add letters [A-F]. Show Sample Output
Like `tidy`, `xmllint` can be used to prettify XML files. The --nsclean option is also useful to remove redundant namespaces.
tr has some predefined sets of characters that are more convenient to use than characters codes
The option --porcelain makes the output of git easier to parse. This one-liner may not work if there is a space in the modified file name.
The XML document can be transformed to text, XML, HTML or anything else. The --stringparam option allows to set XSL variables externally. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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