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Check These Out

Extract tarball from internet without local saving

Fake system time before running a command
Fake system time before running any command.

Check the status of a network interface

Set a Reminder for yourself via the notification system
This will be seen through your system's visual notification system, notify-osd, notification-daemon, etc. --- sleep accepts s,m,h,d and floats (date; sleep .25m; date) --- notify-send (-t is in milliseconds && -u low / normal / critical) man notify-send for more information --- notification-daemon can use b/i/u/a HTML

Empty a file

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Show demo of toilet fonts
Lists a sample of all installed toilet fonts

Generate an XKCD #936 style 4 word password
The improvement of this command over Strawp's original alternative is that you can specify the size of the words, in this particular case words between 3 and 5 character's long. It also excludes words that contain apostrophes, if you'd rather keep those words simply substitue [^'] for .

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Unzip and untar a *.tar.gz file in one go to a specific directory
A *.tar.gz file needs to be unzipped & then untarred. Previously I might have unzipped first with $gunzip -d file.tar.gz and then untarred the result with $tar -xvf file.tar (Options are extract, verbose, file) Using the -z (decompress) option on tar avoids the use of gzip (or gunzip) first. Additionally the -C option will specify the directory to extract to.

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