prints a random line
-a for access time, -m for modification time, -c do not create any files, -t timestamp
Run GUI apps on another machine remotely through SSH. -C is for data compression and -X enables X11 forwarding.
Get max number of arguments that can be accepted by the exec() system call.
Displays SuSE release information Show Sample Output
Unset TMOUT or set it to 0 in order to prevent shell autologout. TMOUT is the number of seconds after which the present shell will be killed if it has been idle for that long.
the maven.test.skip property can be added to other goals too.
This will create a new directory called MyProject with a pom.xml and the following tree structure: MyProject |-->pom.xml |-->src | |-->main | | |-->java | | | |-->my | | | | |-->work | | | | | |--> | |-->test | | |-->java | | | |-->my | | | | |-->work | | | | | |-->
Displays time of last system boot Show Sample Output
Report memory and swap space utilization statistics e.g. memory free/used, swap free/used
Send signal 0 to the process. The return status ($?) can be used to determine if the process is running. 0 if it is, non-zero otherwise.
Where foodir is the directory you want to zip up.
Deletes empty directories and prints an error if directory is not empty. Show Sample Output
Returns tomorrow's date in the format yyyyMMdd
Returns yesterday's date in the format yyyyMMdd is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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