Commands by sthn2121 (0)

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Check These Out

Combine two mp3's or more into 1 long mp3
This just combines multiple mp3's into one mp3 file. Basically it is a easy join for mp3's

Rename files in batch

parrallel execution of a command on remote hosts by ssh or rsh or ...
parrallel execution of a command on remote host by ssh or rsh or ... very useful for cluster management (software update)

View advanced Sort options, Quick Reference Help Alias
Once you get into advanced/optimized scripts, functions, or cli usage, you will use the sort command alot. The options are difficult to master/memorize however, and when you use sort commands as much as I do (some examples below), it's useful to have the help available with a simple alias. I love this alias as I never seem to remember all the options for sort, and I use sort like crazy (much better than uniq for example). # Sorts by file permissions $ find . -maxdepth 1 -printf '%.5m %10M %p\n' | sort -k1 -r -g -bS 20% 00761 drwxrw---x ./tmp 00755 drwxr-xr-x . 00701 drwx-----x ./askapache-m 00644 -rw-r--r-- ./.htaccess # Shows uniq history fast $ history 1000 | sed 's/^[0-9 ]*//' | sort -fubdS 50% exec bash -lxv export TERM=putty-256color Taken from my

finding cr-lf files aka dos files with ^M characters
its useful to run dos2unix command later on them.

Get all available packages on Ubuntu (or any distro that uses apt)

Decrypt passwords from Google Chrome and Chromium.
Read this before you down voting and comment that it is not working -> Wont work on latest versions ~75> since database file is locked and has to be decrypted. This is useful if you have an old hdd with a chrome installation and want to decrypt your old passwords fast.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Calculate N!

Calculates the number of physical cores considering HyperThreading in AWK
Check whether hyperthreading is enabled or not. a better solution as nproc should work on all OS with awk

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