Commands by stick (1)

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Check These Out

Use color grep by default
Alias the grep command to show colored results by default.

get all Amazon cloud (amazonws etc) ipv6 subnets

Check for login failures and summarize
This command checks for the number of times when someone has tried to login to your server and failed. If there are a lot, then that user is being targeted on your system and you might want to make sure that user either has remote logins disabled, or has a strong password, or both. If your output has an "invalid" line, it is a summary of all logins from users that don't exist on your system.

Exclude inserting a table from a sql import
Starting with a large MySQL dump file (*.sql) remove any lines that have inserts for the specified table. Sometimes one or two tables are very large and uneeded, eg. log tables. To exclude multiple tables you can get fancy with sed, or just run the command again on subsequently generated files.

Shows size of dirs and files, hidden or not, sorted.

Dump HTTP header using wget
Let me suggest using wget for obtaining the HTTP header only as the last resort because it generates considerable textual overhead. The first ellipsis of the sample output stands for Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists. --2009-03-31 20:42:46-- Resolving Connecting to||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... and the second one looks for Length: 438 [text/html] Remote file exists and could contain further links, but recursion is disabled -- not retrieving.

Start a new command in a new screen window
If you are already running screen then you often want to start a command in a fresh window. You use this alias by typing 's whatever' from your command line and 'whatever' starts running in a new window. Good with interactive commands like info, vim, and nethack.

Synchronize date and time with a server over ssh
using -u is better for standardizing date output and timezones, for servers in different timezones.

Display the top ten running processes - sorted by memory usage
ps returns all running processes which are then sorted by the 4th field in numerical order and the top 10 are sent to STDOUT.

grep lines containing two consecutive hyphens

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