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Check These Out

Extract IPv4 addressess from file

Look up the definition of a word
A bash function might also be useful: $ dict() { curl dict://$1; } Or if you want less verbose output: $ dict() { curl -s dict://$1 | perl -ne 's/\r//; last if /^\.$/; print if /^151/../^250/'; }

diff files while disregarding indentation and trailing white space
**NOTE** Tekhne's alternative is much more succinct and its output conforms to the files actual contents rather than with white space removed My command on the other hand uses bash process substitution (and "Minimal" Perl), instead of files, to first remove leading and trailing white space from lines, before diff'ing the streams. Very useful when differences in indentation, such as in programming source code files, may be irrelevant

Find the package that installed a command

list files recursively by size

automatically ditch old versions in a conflict
This is not exactly a commandline, but a vim macro to automatically ditch the "old" version of a conflict when dealing with the naster

OpenDns IP update via curl
Your IP is resolved by OpenDns Server (like a caller ID telephone, every server knows who is calling ;-) Change user:password by yours Be Happy

Convert mkv to SVCD/DivX
ffmpeg supports mkv

Listen to a song from youtube with youtube-dl and mpv
Explanation Firstly the function checks if user gave it any input, and notifies the user if they failed to do so. If user has inputed a search string, the function will call upon youtube-dl to find url of the audio of the first matching youtube video and play that with mpv. Call function by wrapping search string in quotes: listen-to-yt "sultans of swing" You have to paste the line in your .zshrc and source .zshrc for it to work. Limitations The dependancies are youtube-dl and mpv. this oneliner is stolen from

Get simple weather info from a zip code
$ weather 97405

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