Commands by thealanberman (3)

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Print permanent subtitles on a video (international edition :) )
If it's Hebrew [most probably all RTL languages. Comments?], add -flip-hebrew and -noflip-hebrew-commas to the mplayer switches: $ transcode -i myvideo.avi -x mplayer="-utf8 -flip-hebrew -noflip-hebrew-commas -sub" -o myvideo_subtitled.avi -y xvid

Display a block of text: multi-line grep with perl
-n reads input, line by line, in a loop sending to $_ Equivalent to while () { mycode } -e execute the following quoted string (i.e. do the following on the same line as the perl command) the elipses .. operator behaves like a range, remembering the state from line to line.

List all accessed configuration files while executing a program in linux terminal (improved version)
Last listed files presumably have higher precedency then files listed first, i.e. configuration files in the personal .config directory will be listed last and their config parameters will be more authoritative then default config parameters defined in /etc directory which are usually listed above them. If you replace ".conf" with ".ini" in the command, initial files will be listed instead of config files. If you do not like to list multiple access to the same config file, pipe to "uniq" or "uniq -c" to prefix lines by the number of occurrences

Recursively scan directories for mp3s and pass them to mplayer
The command first deletes any old playlist calles playlist.tmp under /tmp. After that it recursively searches all direcotries under ~/mp3 and stores the result in /tmp/playlist.tmp. After havin created the playlist, the command will execute mplayer which will shuffle through the playlist. This command is aliased to m is aliased to `rm -rf /tmp/playlist.tmp && find ~/mp3 -name *.mp3 > /tmp/playlist.tmp && mplayer -playlist /tmp/playlist.tmp -shuffle -loop 0 | grep Playing' in my ~/.bashrc.

Determine status of a RAID write-intent bitmap
Report information about a bitmap file.

draw line separator (using knoppix5 idea)
This is a slightly modified version of the knoppix5 user oneliner (

Url Encode
Returns URL Encoded string from input ($1).

randomize hostname and mac address, force dhcp renew. (for anonymous networking)
this string of commands will release your dhcp address, change your mac address, generate a new random hostname and then get a new dhcp lease.

generate random ascii shape(no x11 needed!)

google chart api|Firefox%2823.6%%29|Chrome%2820.6%%29|Safari%2811.2%%29|Opera%285.0%%29|Android%281.9%%29|Other%283.5%%29&chd=t:34.2,23.6,20.6,11.2,5.0,1.9,3.5

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