Commands by tllxtd95 (0)

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Check These Out

Undo commit in Mercurial

Rename .JPG to .jpg recursively
This command is useful for renaming a clipart, pic gallery or your photo collection. It will only change the big caps to small ones (on the extension).

intersection between two files

Smart renaming
A powerfull way to rename file using sed groups. & stand for the matched expression. \1 referes to the first group between parenthesis. \2 to the second.

List the size (in human readable form) of all sub folders from the current location

Check if your webserver supports gzip compression with curl

This is how you should push a string in a command's stdin.
Don't do this: $echo word | command Using a bash "here strings" and "here documents" look leeter than piping echo into the command. Also prevents subshell execution. Word is also expanded as usual.

Dump android contacts, sms
Crude, but works. Note for security, /data/ will be inaccessible unless your device has been *rooted*. On the other hand, if a device has been rooted, its data is now wide open to anyone with a USB cable and the above "one-liner". `adb` is one of the platform tools in the android SDK. To get SMS messages: $ adb pull /data/data/ ; sqlite3 -batch

Install pip with Proxy
Installs pip packages defining a proxy

list file descriptors opened by a process
Useful for examining hostile processes (backdoors,proxies)

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