Commands by tyzbit (14)

  • A quick alias to check if a domain is already registered or if it's available for purchase. Show Sample Output

    function canibuy { whois "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'Registrant' && echo "taken" || echo "available" }
    tyzbit · 2023-06-21 15:01:25 186
  • This command will take the output of a command and color any STDERR output as a different color (red outline in this case) Show Sample Output

    ./ 2> >(echo "\e[0;41m$(cat)\e[0m")
    tyzbit · 2021-08-08 14:28:50 333
  • Tails a log and replaces it line-by-line according to whatever you want to replace. Useful if the file writing to the log can't be modified, so you need to modify its output instead. Show Sample Output

    tail -F logfile|while read l; do sed 's/find/replace/g' <<< $l; done
    tyzbit · 2020-08-07 12:26:39 569
  • Colorify colors input by converting the text to a number and then performing modulo 7 on it. This resulting number is used as the color escape code. This can be used to color the results of commands with complex outputs (like "482279054165371") so if any of the digits change, there's a good chance the color will change too. I say good chance because there's only 7 unique colors here, so assuming you were watching random numbers, there would be a 6/7 chance that the color would change when the number changed. This should really only be used to help quickly identify when things change, but should not be the only thing relied upon to positively assert that an output has not changed. Show Sample Output

    function colorify() { n=$(bc <<< "$(echo ${1}|od -An -vtu1 -w100000000|tr -d ' ') % 7"); echo -e "\e[3${n}m${1}\e[0m"; }
    tyzbit · 2020-08-06 15:17:45 458
  • Get the total RESIDENT memory used by processes of a specific name. This means this is the MINIMUM used by a process, but some memory could be paged out to swap. Show Sample Output

    pids=$(pidof chrome); for p in ${pids[@]}; do cat /proc/$p/status | grep -i vmrss | awk '{print $2}'; done | while read m; do let t=$t+$m; echo $t; done | echo "$(tail -n 1) kB"
    tyzbit · 2018-04-08 16:43:35 245
  • simple jq one-liner to convert from configmaps to secrets (which require the values to be base64 encoded). To automatically pull the config map, convert it, and re-upload the corresponding secret: kubectl get --export -o json cm [configmap name] | jq 'with_entries(if .key == "data" then .value=(.value | to_entries | map( { (.key): (.value|@base64) } ) | add ) elif .key == "kind" then .value="Secret" else . end)' > secret.json; kubectl create -f secret.json Show Sample Output

    cat configmap.json | jq 'with_entries(if .key == "data" then .value=(.value | to_entries | map( { (.key): (.value|@base64) } ) | add ) elif .key == "kind" then .value="Secret" else . end)'
    tyzbit · 2017-12-11 19:18:25 23
  • This is a bit of a bash hack to catch STDERR and append a log level to it. So for example, if your script has pseudo loglevels like so: echo "INFO - finding files" [ -f ${files} ] || echo "WARN - no files found" Any subcommands that write to STDERR will screw that up Adding 2> >(fb=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | od -t o1 -A n); [ "$fb" ] && err=$(printf "\\${fb# }"; cat) && echo "ERROR - $err") to the command does the following: 2> Redirect STDERR >( Spawn a subshell (STDERR is then redirected to the file descriptor for this subshell) fb=$(....) get the first byte of input [ "$fb" ] test if there's a first byte && err=$(printf....) save the output to the $err variable && echo "ERROR - $err" append your pseudo loglevel and the error message Heavily borrowed from Show Sample Output

    [command] 2> >(fb=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | od -t o1 -A n); [ "$fb" ] && err=$(printf "\\${fb# }"; cat) && echo "ERROR - $err")
    tyzbit · 2017-10-16 22:22:42 22
  • Ever needed to test firewalls but didn't have netcat, telnet or even FTP? Enter /dev/tcp, your new best friend. /dev/tcp/(hostname)/(port) is a bash builtin that bash can use to open connections to TCP and UDP ports. This one-liner opens a connection on a port to a server and lets you read and write to it from the terminal. How it works: First, exec sets up a redirect for /dev/tcp/$server/$port to file descriptor 5. Then, as per some excellent feedback from @flatcap, we launch a redirect from file descriptor 5 to STDOUT and send that to the background (which is what causes the PID to be printed when the commands are run), and then redirect STDIN to file descriptor 5 with the second cat. Finally, when the second cat dies (the connection is closed), we clean up the file descriptor with 'exec 5>&-'. It can be used to test FTP, HTTP, NTP, or can connect to netcat listening on a port (makes for a simple chat client!) Replace /tcp/ with /udp/ to use UDP instead.

    exec 5<>/dev/tcp/; cat <&5 & cat >&5; exec 5>&-
    tyzbit · 2015-07-30 21:12:38 26
  • Most distributions alias cp to 'cp -i', which means when you attempt to copy into a directory that already contains the file, cp will prompt to overwrite. A great default to have, but when you mean to overwrite thousands of files, you don't want to sit there hitting [y] then [enter] thousands of times. Enter the backslash. It runs the command unaliased, so as in the example, cp will happily overwrite existing files much in the way mv works. Show Sample Output

    tyzbit · 2015-01-15 18:31:50 9
  • Use this command to watch apache access logs in real time to see what pages are getting hit. Show Sample Output

    tail -f access_log | awk '{print $1 , $12}'
    tyzbit · 2014-12-24 14:15:52 16
  • This is not exhaustive but after checking /etc/cron* is a good way to see if there are any other jobs any users may have set. Note: this is a repost from a comment "flatcap" made on, for which I am grateful and I take no credit.

    for USER in /var/spool/cron/*; do echo "--- crontab for $USER ---"; cat "$USER"; done
    tyzbit · 2014-12-11 19:48:46 16
  • This checks the system load every second and if it's over a certain threshold (.8 in this example), it spits out the date, system loads and top 4 processes sorted by CPU. Additionally, the \a in the first echo creates an audible bell.

    while sleep 1; do if [ $(echo "$(cat /proc/loadavg | cut -d' ' -f1) > .8 " | bc) -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "\n\a"$(date)" \e[5m"$(cat /proc/loadavg)"\e[0m"; ps aux --sort=-%cpu|head -n 5; fi; done
    tyzbit · 2014-12-08 15:44:40 10
  • Wakes up a computer on your LAN with a Wake-On-LAN packet. MAC Address must match the NIC MAC, computer must have WOL enabled in the BIOS. Show Sample Output

    wakeonlan 00:00:DE:AD:BE:EF
    tyzbit · 2014-06-13 16:16:33 9
  • Use this command to watch video files on the terminal using VLC. prerequisite: VLC and cvlc sudo apt-get install vlc cvlc Show Sample Output

    cvlc /path/to/file.avi -V caca
    tyzbit · 2014-06-13 16:10:36 13

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Check These Out

Prints a file leaving out all blank lines and comment-only lines
Does not print any line that either: - is empty - contains only spaces or tabs - starts with # - starts with spaces/tabs followed by a #

Edit a script that's somewhere in your path.
Often I need to edit a bash or perl script I've written. I know it's in my path but I don't feel like typing the whole path (or I don't remember the path).

Get rid from a blank display without reboot
Killall5 will kill your session and redirect to login screen. -Very useful when suffering display problems. -Can use F1-F6 -Need to login in the particular console if not already

put command in a loop to keep trying a connection
This will keep trying to reconnect your netcat connection can be used with SSH or Telnet, just substitute nc for ssh or telnet very useful for troubleshooting VPNs were you want to send continuous packets towards a destination to trace.

Create a 5 MB blank file via a seek hole
Similar to the original, but is much faster since it only needs to write the last byte as zero. A diff on testfile and will return that they are the same.

grep -v with multiple patterns.
Use multiple patterns with grep -v. So you can print all lines in a file except those containing the multiple patterns you specify.

Burn an ISO on commandline with wodim instead cdrecord

create an screenshot, upload it to your server via scp and then open that screenshot in firefox
I often need to send screenshots to other people to explain settings and whatever. So I created this oneline which I use to create the screenshot with imagemagik, upload it via scp to my server and then the command opens an firefox tab with the screenshot. The screenshot can be a region or a window. You just have to replace the parts beginning with YOUR.

Control ssh connection
SSH can be controlled trough an ~ escape sequence. Example, to terminate the current ssh connection, type a newline, then the ~ character, and last a . character. This is useful eg when an ssh connection hangs after you reboot a machine and the connection hangs.

Figure out what shell you're running

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