Commands by unixmonkey100988 (1)

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scp with compression.
-C is for compression.

rename / move Uppercase filenames to lowercase filenames current directory
move filename/rename filenames with Uppercase to lowercase in current directory

check open ports (both ipv4 and ipv6)
Check open TCP and UDP ports

Transfer large files/directories with no overhead over the network
This invokes tar on the remote machine and pipes the resulting tarfile over the network using ssh and is saved on the local machine. This is useful for making a one-off backup of a directory tree with zero storage overhead on the source. Variations on this include using compression on the source by using 'tar cfvp' or compression at the destination via $ ssh user@host "cd dir; tar cfp - *" | gzip - > file.tar.gz

Find inside files two different patterns in the same line and for matched files show number of matched lines
The option -print0 for find and -0 for grep help prevent issue with weird characters or spaces in filenames. Furthermore with xargs there is no limited number of arguments that find can throw.

Have a random "cow" say a random thing
You need to have fortune and cowsay installed. It uses a subshell to list cow files in you cow directory (this folder is default for debian based systems, others might use another folder). you can add it to your .bashrc file to have it great you with something interesting every time you start a new session.

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

Watch active calls on an Asterisk PBX
Show active calls as the happen on an Asterisk server. Note that the Asterisk command (in single quotes) is formatted for Asterisk 1.6. Use the -n flag on the watch command to modify the refresh period (in seconds - default is 2 seconds).

How to estimate the storage size of all files not named *.[extension] on the current directory
With this sentence we can estimate the storage size of all files not named *.jpg on the current directory. The syntax is based on Linux, for Unix compliance use: find ./* -prune ! -name '*.jpg' -ls |awk '{TOTAL+=$7} END {print int(TOTAL/(1024^2))"MB"}' We can change the jpg extension for whatever extension what we need

Open a file explorer on a split screen inside your vim session
Open a CLI file explorer by splitting up your screen inside your vim session. Besides, you probably are never going to forget this one.

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